new branding?!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

not for me, but for urban outfitters! for those who like plants and earthy decor, this place is for you.

several things they have are
+ landscape services
+ home decor (artisan vessels, international artifacts, containers, jars of goods, etc)
+ plants

pictures to come when i switch from my work computer! =)

here are upcoming events for the new store though:

its quite exciting.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the thrill of the election has gotten to me! it is quite nervewracking to see the election results popping up on the tv.

i hope all got to go out and vote!!!!

boo!!!! hiss.

Friday, October 31, 2008

happy halloween all! i love halloween when i was a little girl. i.e. free candy of course. and also the air smelled really good outside every single year. but it was always freezing cold.

anyways. i am thinking of being lame and staying in. or going out and original a fairy!!! i like doing face makeup so i might go all out with the face.


if only i can find shiny pink makeup like that.

anyways, i sometimes get random magazines from my mother who steals them from work. i dont know why because she never opens them usually. but i tend to do that too. one of them is the cookiemag which i love because it always has projects in them you can do with your kids (for me, my non-kids.....myself). one of them was a terrarium which i spotted on sugarcityjournal too. seems simple to do yet looks so good! you can throw a couple of toys in there to make a fantasy land. sorta like an orb of another world.

and in the midst of halloween, i give you:

Add Image
@ cookiemag

i always drank random stuff during halloween. orange, green, purple...i think that stuff would make me sick today. and what would halloween be without some pumpkins. yum.

pumpkin bundt cake @ cookiemag

have a good time everyone!

--- edit ---

oo i also saw these on cookie mag! wax hands!! such a cool idea! rather than painting your hand and making your mom the i love you card. why not make her a hand....that won't freak her out.

lights. camera. acshunnn!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

so im thinking of updating this blog daily. lets see if that works out for me.
a close friend of mine who is a communication designer knows how obsessed i am with interior design...and weddings so she occasionally directs me to stuff she thinks i'll like. well direct she did!

take a look at these x)


Imagine sitting in a pretty white room with one of those hanging above you. Or even, rather than those paper lanterns that everyone has at their wedding, use these!

and while you're at it. sit under one of those with this dress. i absolutely love vintage dresses. it could always be a third dress at a wedding puwahahha oh the vanity.

recently i went soul searching in my mothers 70s closet and i found 1. awesome clothes, 2. that she was pretty tiny when she was my age, 3. eeeeee can i fit into them?

this weekend im going to head home, grab a couple and pose for some self shots. will post!

<3 anyuh

woes of decorating

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

decorating has begun! i have "settled in" my apartment...i.e. i have clothes pretty much everywhere (i am organizing it so don't worry....its just that the rate of growth in clothing > rate of growth in my cabinetry....stagnant).

room pictures and its advancement into what it is now will be posted soon! once my sister sends me the photos x(

so to compromise with my roomie, we started off by going through each room and deciding what was needed. so far we are planning on...:

1) go to bed bath and beyond and purchase futon covers for existing sofas we have
2) consider a room divider
3) wall decor for dining area/living area/hallway (front and bathroom)
4) bathroom decor (there is some interesting shower curtain there that her mother bought...sorta looks too modern...and i am a boy type thing but i am not a boy so i dont like it that much.)
5) side tables and lighting

my room is still going under construction. i have pretty much all my stuff here. walls are still bare and the front of the room is crying out for a long mirror and some coat hooks. but we need to be adventurous and drill some holes in this place. but its an apartment...for there are some fears there.

here are some items that i have purchased!

masha d'yans canvas - courtesy of urban outfitters - price? 50$ my price? 24$
(it was from the back and a little crazy-ed up...but i fixed it...go me!)
this will go somewhere. no clue but i loved it.

owl prints for the hallway! (pic to be displayed)

JA? Letters courtesy of urban outfitters . price? 14 bucks each
these will be going up at the door entrance!!! =)

lampshade . courtesy of urban outfitters . price? 10 bucks

so if you can't tell by now. we went to urban outfitters today to get a couple of things

i have also gotten a............CAKE PLATE! very exciting as i LOVE cakes. I got a cake plate where there is ribbon weaving through the buttom. very chic.

--pretend theres a vase pic here--

my mac is down so its not as easy to get pictures up =(
i got a pretty vase (green with blue middle) from anthropologie

anyways....thats pretty much what we've been doing this past week. settling, going to work and making the money that funds all this and then going out to stores to decorate.

areas of Ikea, Williamsburg Brooklyn, BBB (again xT), TJ Maxx which has wonderful stuff sometimes, and random stores in Brooklyn


Thursday, July 31, 2008

as i get older im thinking the people around me are getting dumber...but then i go and find crazy stuff like this:

source: youtube
go check out for 10 young people something something something prodigies

and i think. my mom must be disappointed that she got such a weird child. i played the violin since i was in...1st grade? and i think i suck. i used to stop and pretend it was a ukelele. and my teachers house was full of newspapers and cats. can't get any better there. and she had some weird outgrowth of skin. [shout out to john]

and i found this:

who i think is pretty damn cool and i would hang out with her if she were 10 years older. for now its illegal. i think.

im amazed these days at what technology can bring out in people. if i had access to a digital camera and what not when i was 12, i think i would go nutz. now im just trying to remember all the weird things that i did when i was how i knew all the types of clouds there were, i collected all books on all animals especially marine animals. i wrote to animals that had something wrong with them or unique aobut them (koko who is amazing btw, the blind seal, the orphaned otter, etc).

yea how does this have anything to do with decorating, style, fashion, weddings, pretty things? oh it does my friends, it does. just look at that blog.

projects galore

so i have been conducting small projects here and there these past few weeks. because i am bored. i have nothing much to do till this coming weekend (more move-in and training starts. eekkkkkkkkckckck)

these are pretty fun and easy in case you are also bored and in a crafty set of mind:

nani birds

labels for my boxes


and occasionally i get thirsty

and then its back to work
all the stuff i am bringing to ny!

well all is in a busy day =)
my friends think i have nothing better to do. but whats better than enjoying life in the good ol sun making nani birds.