the beginning

Sunday, January 20, 2008

so i always had an obsession with arts and crafts beyond the level of martha stewart. possibly anne of green gables had she been more british than canadian type of level.

today, while i should be writing an essay...i begin the epic. the journey of anna...beyond nj. maybe this will turn into that book that seinfield's wife wrote but possibly plagirized from that other woman. hiding veggies into your little kiddies food.

so the scope of this blog? just stuff that strikes me. dealing with arts, crafts, design, cooking...they should call this some type of realm because it really does seem to all fall into the same place...or the same people tend to look at the same group of things but theres no one word to sum it all up. maybe urban outfitters + martha stewart if they mated type thing.


X said...

YO! Nice blog ... you decided to get on your own one? ^_^.